Come with me
God saw you getting tired
And a cure was not to be
So He put His arms around you And whispered ‘Come with Me.’
With tearful eyes
We watched you suffer
And saw you fade away, Although we loved you dearly We could not make you stay.
A golden heart stopped beating, Hard working hands at rest, God broke our hearts to prove He only takes the best.
It’s lonesome here without you, We miss you more each day, Life doesn’t seem the same Since you’ve gone away.
When days are sad and lonely And everything goes wrong, We seem to hear you whisper ‘Cheer up and carry on
27th December 2023
Thank you for setting up this memorial to Hayden.
We hope that you find it a positive experience developing the site and that it becomes a place of comfort and inspiration for you to visit whenever you want or need to.
Sent by S & J Maddocks on 14/12/2023
I am I and you are you, whatever we were to each other that we still are.
Speak to me in the easy way which you always used.
Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight?
Life means all that it ever meant, it is the same as it ever was.
Extract from a poem by Henry Scott Holland